Soft POS

Cost-effective & Secure Payment Acceptance

Tap to mobile solution by transforming your phone into a payment terminal. This is a technology that allows merchants to take contactless payments using their own device (Android device with NFC functionality) without the need for any other hardware. 


No Need For Extra Terminal Hardware


Cost-effective Solution For Merchants


Secure, Low Fraud Risk
contactless card-1
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Increase in contactless payment transactions 119% growth expected till 2027 acc. to Juniper Research report

contactless mobile
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Tap2Mobile User Base to Grow 475% Globally by 2027 acc. to Juniper Research 2022 report

money exchange
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of merchants surveyed think that Tap2Mobile will replace traditional payment

The Solution

With the help of LifeTech Global LLC, you can go live within 6 months as we can provide the full components of this solution which is based on Mastercard and Visa pilot programs.

L2 Kernel (Mastercard, Visa)

Device Integrity

Secure PIN Entry

Payment Interface

Device Registry

Terminal Registry

Payment Service

Transaction Service

Reporting Service

Notification Service


HSM & PSP Gateways

Fraud Detection

Device Registry

Terminal Registry


HSM & PSP Gateways

Fraud Detection

The Components

With the help of LifeTech Global LLC, you can go live within 6 months as we can provide the full components of this solution which is based on Mastercard and Visa pilot programs.

Need a Payment Solution For Your Business?

Contact us to get a quote or a demo or to just chat and bounce ideas.

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